About Me

I'm a 26 year old dad to be from Ohio. My son is due October 28th. I have unfortunately always been over weight. I want to make sure I lose the weight this time to make sure I am around and healthy for him. Please come back as often as possible and help keep things new and exciting here...hopefully we will all have some fun along the way to me getting in shape. Please feel free to send suggestions for diet or workouts you want to see me do. If you want to follow along with me on your own please send in updates of your progress if you would like to share.

Friday, May 29, 2009


I rarely give product recommendations, but today I feel I must. There was an advertisement on this page for a great site, SparkPeople.com. I visited the site and signed up for a completely free weight loss plan that was customized to my preferences. I was also automatically grouped up with members there with similar sitations and weight loss goals to me, and became a part of their "team."

They have a nutrition tracker, and fitness tracker, and a weigh-in section. All three seem very easy to use and very beneficial. There are numerous articles that are very helpful to anyone trying to get into better shape. A message board is also available for to give support to someone or get a little for yourself when you are struggle or need a pat on the back for a job well done reaching a goal.

Your personal goals, as well as "streaks" of reaching mini daily, weekly, or monthly work out or food consumption goals are tracked on the front page, and help encourage you to stay on track on the small scale.

Overall I find there site to be the best weight loss site I have found. The amount of information and customization geared specifically towards helping you get in the shape you want to be in is incredible. On top of all of this the site membership is completely free, and requires absolutely no personal information (other than weight loss goal related). I highly suggest all of you check it out and see what you think.

You may need to scroll up or down on the list by clicking the little arrows at the top of the list to find it.

Please make sure to vote on this weekends workout below, and be sure to become a follower by select the "Follow Blog" at the top of this page. Thanks

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Torture Weekend

Thanks for coming back and helping me out with your vote and support. If this is your first time here then welcome.

I enjoyed the last two days of walking, and I will walk again tomorrow. This weekend though I decided that I would like to feel the burn so I picked some very challenging workout options for me to do.

Put your vote in and let me know what you think I should do.

What extreme workout should I do daily this weekend?
500 jumping jacks
250 sit ups
20 minutes of leg lifts
20 flights of stairs up & down
ugg boots

Two Days In

I have to say that I was a little surprised by the overwhelming support to the option of walking for 30 minutes per day. I assumed that there would be a vote for the more punishing workouts like the jumping jacks or sit ups. My dogs definitely appreciate your votes as they got two great workouts trying to keep up with me.

It was very nice after a long day stuck inside to take a nice brisk walk through the neighborhood before I move in a couple weeks.

I will be updating the poll for new work out options tomorrow. Please come back and vote for something new and exciting as I will take out the winning option each time on the next vote.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

And It Begins...

I am excited about starting this journey with you all. Hopefully, you are excited about the decisions that you are going to make and to see the results that stem from your decisions. The first polls may be weekly polls until I get a larger following built up. I will be updating at least every other day letting you know how my experience as your gunie pig is going.

Please feel free to leave me suggestions for what to eat or what excerises you would like me to do after you vote below.

What excersize should I do this daily this week?
30 minute walk per day
100 sit ups per day
200 jumping jacks per day
40 minutes EA Sports Active workout per day
leather boots

Friday, May 22, 2009

Roasted or Baked?

STOP! Don't call PETA just yet. I am not really proposing anyone eats a guinea pig diet (although it is a delicacy in parts of South America). This blog is all about me being the proverbial "guinea pig" in an experiment.

I have unfortunately always been a big guy. Countless diets have come and gone in my life...Atkins, low calorie, weight watchers, you name it. They all got boring and I lost the will to continue on with them. It is this boredom that I have to overcome. I want to finally get in shape. My first child is due in October and I want to be here as long as I can, and as healthy as I can be for him.

Some things you should know about me...I am a VERY picky eater, but I am not only going to put up food that I like as voting options (so this could get very interesting). I am 26 years old, 6'3" and my current weight is 378 pounds. My ultimate goal is to get to 240 pounds. I do not believe that to be doable in the 5 months until my son is born, but if this is a great success at that time I will continue being your guinea pig.

Starting Tuesday May 26, 2009 I will be posting up options of exercise that I am willing to do (or die trying), food that I am willing to eat for the day, and various other diet related options. Then its up to you. I want the input of the world. This is a social experiment with the ultimate goal of getting me in shape through your smart decisions. I strongly encourage anyone who wants to follow along with me to do so. Then keep me updated with your progress and thoughts.

I am willing to make the commitment to do whatever the masses vote on. All I am asking of you is to commit to coming back as often as possible and helping me keep this interesting and successful. Once I start getting a good group of followers I would love to take reader suggestions of exercises or food choices to be including in the voting.